This is has been a priority area of action for the Foundation since its inception. This activity is basically aimed to strengthen conservation of Ganges River Dolphin and the fish diversity in Brahmaputra drainage. Due to overexploitation of the fishery resources the aquatic fauna of Brahmaputra has been depleting vary fast, causing severe food scarcity for the river dolphins. Extensive use of destructive methods of fishing in a vary unsustainable way lead to the extermination of many important fish species of the region. Dolphin Foundation has been empowering the target communities by various means for using the non-destructivemethods of fishing with the use of local fishing craft. Some rehabilitation program for the fishermen have already been carried out in the lower Assam districts by donating indigenous fishing crafts. Moreover, lobbying with the district administration for strict low enforcement, specially for the execution of the Fishery Rules and by making people aware about the issue.